Bradely Cooper (A-Team's Faceman) said in an interview yesterday that there will not be a sequel to the A-Team due to lack of finances from the first film.
The A-Team made $177 million on a $110 million budget and with a rule of thumb that you can expect to double your budget on promotion for big summer movies it is a safe bet that the studio no longer wants to risk on a second outing. Even though Franchises have been proved time and time again to rake in the cash. Familiarity breeds moolah.
Cooper and Liam Neeson have both expressed a keen interest in Playing Face and Hannibal again but sadly it looks unlikely like we ever will see it again. It's a shame because i really liked The A-Team and thought it was pretty much what we wanted from it. A great big, explosive film with very funny performances from a cast that were clearly having a ball while filming,
Why did A-Team make so little cash when other films rake it in? Well it didn't have Johnny Depp in it and he's pretty much the family movie king of the last five years. It wasn't a children's book like the Harry Potter kids stories and it catered to an lethal box office audience; guys. Guys are lazy and don't go to the cinema anymore. They only go in either groups or with girlfriends. Out of the twenty or so guys that i have spoken to about A-Team i only know two that went to the cinema to watch it. The rest illegally downloaded it. People say that downloading isn't having an effect on cinema, well it quite simply is. With illegal downloading now so simple and fast to do the death knell of more and more scripts are announced every month across the trades and films that you might have seen are now never made. It is difficult enough for a film to get made in Hollywood or elsewhere. Now you have to be a miracle worker or James Cameron to make it happen.