Annoyances1. Why do the awards have to be so flipping long?
2. After looking at the nominations for the Golden Globes it occured to me that most of the films in there are just out and one or two still aren't out yet.
3. Awards are about promoting the film further. Nothing released in march will win an Oscar the follwing February unless it made $800million. Which it won't in march.
4. Not having Billy Crystal hosting them.
5. Films getting awards when other films were fifty times better (remember City of God)
Excellences1. Sometimes, they do get it right.
2. We can watch the highlights wihout having to sit through four geeks hyper excited on stage for their best foley sound effects editing assistant award.
3. When Billy Crystal host it.
4. There are some seriously hot women that go to it.
5. When people get pissed of at not winning and don't care who sees. GO BURT REYNOLDS!