So the new transformers trailer went up and to everyone's surprise (yea right) Megatron was all over it.

I think everyone was pretty sure Bay was talking crap when he said Megatron would only be in a flashback as alot of early rumours persisted about the decepticons having to team up with theAutobots to defeat the titulary "Fallen" character.
Aside from that all i can really imagine Bay has done is that Megatron will actually turn into the Fallen, sort of like a possession, with the Fallen being more of a code that needs a host than an actually being and that is the only version of Galvatron we'll ever get to see. After all Bay isn't really bothered at all with sticking to the original fans ideas of what the Transformers were (he has made Jetfire a crappy old transformer in this one for Jebus sake!) so why not have the Fallen as a code? The pyramids have star chart holes in the that point to stars in the sky, why can't that be how the Fallen gets here?
Plus, Bay has said this one will be like an apocalypse, so are we going to see teh Fallen totally devastate Earth and the death of Optimus? That would be a cool ending and great set up for part three.
Or i could be wrong and the Fallen's body is actually just waiting inside the pyramids.