A new and modern version of the classic "The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" story originally written in 1886 by Robert Louis Stevenson is being given not one but two remakes.
As is so often with Hollywood two studios are working on separate tales and while previously we saw similar releases in the form of Antz/A Bugs Life and Deep Impact/Armageddon in the same years this time the stories will be different.
The first one up (already in pre production) is simply called Jekyll and will be a modern day
adaptation starring Keanu Reeves in the titular role.
The producers are saying they have a twist on the idea and that the story with revolve around the evil persona of Jekyll rather than the split personality of both. Plot details are being kept secret so i dare say they are going for a large shock in there at some point.
Revolutionary Road scribe Justin Haythe wrote the script and director Nicolas Winding Refn (Bronson) is in the big chair.
The second film is still only in the planning stages and has Guillermo Del Toro attached to direct after he finishes with the Hobbit movies. This is the one i am most excited about as it will be set in victorian London and let's face it Del Toro is a genius, his imaginatatory visualisation is second to none. Let's hope it happens.