M Night
Shyamalan was always highly, highly overrated in my opinion. I saw the twist in Sixth Sense right off the bat, thought Signs was painfully slow and such a poorly written concept that i was genuinely annoyed after watching it, figured out what the reveal in The Village was before i watched it, spent two hours laughing through the Happening and point blank refused to watch Lady in the Water.
But, i adored Unbreakable. And i mean adored it. I don't like
Coldplay, but i love the song Fix You. I can't stand Stanley Kubrick, but i love Full Metal Jacket. So with this in mind it was with little regard when i read that M Night had another supposedly hot script doing the rounds with studio bigwigs this week.
What with the serious run of decidedly poor films turned out by Night i think it's time for one of three things to happen.
1. Night should admit that he is a one trick pony and a decent writer at best.
2. Night should try something totally different and say up front that the point of the film he is making is not to get to some ham-
fisted twist ending that half the audience can see coming.
3. He should do what everyone really wants and give us more David Dunn and make Unbreakable 2.
I think most people wanted to see the Joker return in Batman 3 but we know it can't happen and that Hannibal
Lecter style face off can never be in that world. But with Unbreakable 2 we can have David Dunn seeking out Mr Glass as his guide to the world he now lives in. The horror of Dunn realising that the only person he can turn to with insight into the reality he lives in is his arch enemy.
And for once, maybe the audience won't sitting telling themselves "This better not end the way i fucking think it will...."