Michael Keaton was quizzed at the weekend during a Toy Story 3 junket about a possible Beetlejiuce sequel. Here is what Mr Keaton had to say.
"We were wondering, is there going to be a sequel? I heard Geena Davis is ready to go if it happens"
MK: Oh I'd do that in a heartbeat.
"Would you do it?"
MK: Absolutely, that's the one thing I'd love to do again.
"That's great."
MK: That's the only one I'd love to do
This is what i call superb news. Someone in Hollywood needs to get off their backside and make this happen ASAP. The film Beetlejuice was okay, in the same way that the Fletch films were okay, what everyone loved and remembers was Michael Keatons standout, superbly, deviant Beetelejuice. I still quote the film with friends after over twenty years.
Keaton is a massively underused actor nowadays and i'd love to see him step back into the shoes of the ghost with the most.