And it's AWESOME!
It's very fashionable right now to say that you hate 3D films. This type of thing always happens and it's usually moaned and
groaned from
the mouths of people who have not yet seen a 3D film.
Those who have seen a proper 3D movie, not a conversion, tend to agree that the experience was a good one.
James Cameron says that he expects that in twenty years 3D will be the normal medium in which films will be made and that a transition period will happen in the same fashion that films went from
blakc and white to colour and now colour is the standard format.
Times move on people and technology is leading the charge. Next year both the
Odeon and
Cineworld will boast that 45% of all their screens will be in the 3D format. And by next year the world will have 15,300 digital 3D screens as opposed to 8989 it had last year. Making 60% of the digital screens in the world 3D capable.
So, 3D is most definitely here to stay. I love it. The technology will get better and soon the gimmicky kids aspect will die out and filmmakers will start using it as a tool within the movie rather than a toy. This is the first step into a virtual movie environment in which movie goers will be immersed in the middle of a film. While this is obviously a long way off, it's nowhere near as far away as you think. And with the ever crumbling barrier between games and films, it won't be long either before you are part of these films.
Bring on the future i say, and crush anyone opposed to it.