Tony Gilroy has been officially announced as The Bourne Legacy writer and has begun work on the screenplay.
Gilroy has written all of the Bourne films so far and has gradually moved further and further away from the source material with spectacular success. The Bourne Legacy will follow this trend and not use the plot from the Legacy novel.
Still, strangest of all is the current abscence of Matt Damon from the project. Damon has said that he won't return unless director Paul Greengrass returns to direct.
What next for Bourne? I would say with a large percentage of certainty that this won't go ahead without Damon as he is Bourne and for the most part his appeal is what brings audiences back to watch this character again and again. Let's face it, we don't really care about plot, watching Matt Damon being Jason Bourne for two hours is what we want. Legacy is slated for a summer 2012 release.