It's as yet untitled but Michael Moore's next film is due out in October of this year. The documentary man, love him or hate him has shceduled his next release with a quick window of publisicm for maximum shock effect no doubt.
The new film is a expose' about global capitalism and how it affects the common working class and the divisions it has created. Moore has touched on this in his previous efforts but this looks like a full scale attack on the corporate master of the globe. No countries, no governments, only companies and massive ones at that who dictate and create global economic, religious and political policy for their own ends.
Bowling for Columbine was excellent and it was my introduction into Moore. Farenheit 9/11 was good but missed the mark for me but Sicko was a briliant piece of film-making (albeit not totally without blemishes) but it hit home that the health and wellbeing of the American people was of no real regard to the US government or the so called healthcare companies that only endevoured to maximise profit. So it's with this in mind that i look forward to Moore's capitilism.