Darren Aronofsky, director of cult classic PI and recently the sleeper hit The Wrestler has his next project wrestled out of development hell. It's called Black Swan and tells the tale of a New York ballerina who is involved in a competition for a place in a prestigious show. The twist is that it's a supernatural thriller and the ballerina's main competition might be a supernatural figure or not even exist at all, a figment of the ballerina's over strssed and cracking mind.
Aronofsky is dealing with Natalie Portman to get her in the lead role and Portman is interested in playing it. Portman is a trained dancer and has practised ballet since the age of 8 so she should be able to pull it off. and Aronofsky works better with smaller, psychological pictures that big budget stuff i think so i'd be very intersted to see what he does with this.