Shia Lebouf has confirmed that Speilberg has "cracked" the story for Indy 5 and that production is gearing up. The film will be a direct sequel to Crystals Skulls and not another jump around for Indy.
I guess that both Lebouf and Ford will be in it but i still don't like the idea of giving the Indy series over to Lebouf, i like the guy but it's not Indy without Ford.
Lucas and Spielberg registered a bunch of names for Indy films at the start of production for the last film so i wonder if we will see one of those or if a new title will be used?
These are the other names they registered.
Indiana Jones and The City of Gods
Indiana Jones and Indiana Jones and The Destroyer of Worlds
Indiana Jones and The Fourth Corner of the Earth
Indiana Jones and The Lost City of Gold
Indiana Jones and The Quest for the Covenant.