Hit Girl has beat out the competition to win the lead role in the upcoming Carrie remake. Moretz landed the role after a long process by the producers that saw her and singer/actress Haley Bennet go to the wire for the lead.
I've only seen Moretz in Kick Ass and Let Me In (and 30 Rock now that I think about it) but I was genuinely impressed by her in both those films and out of the two she is clearly the stronger actress.
For those not familiar with the original, it's a horror story based on a Steven King book of the same name. It tells the story of a young, outcast girl at school who is bullied and shunned by her classmates and psychologically terrorised by her christian fundamentalist mother. Carrie is slowly pushed to the limit and becomes aware that she has incredible telekinetic powers which she uses to take revenge with.
I loved Carrie but even today after watching it i do find it a bit screamy. I understand the techniques but it does get a bit grating after a while. That's one of the reasons I hate the original Chainsaw Massacre, too much constant screaming, that and it isn't scary.
Carrie is due for release next year and is directed by the lady responsible for Boys Don't Cry and (worryingly) the dude who writes for Glee.
This is a great fan-made mock up of a Carrie poster.