Vin Diesel has hinted that the long mooted Riddick sequels might be finally ready to happen.
Way back when The Chronicles of Riddick was announced we were told that the film was the first of an intended trilogy. With lukewarm reactions from crowds and critics it was shelved and we were only given the animated adventure to fill out more of the Riddick legend. But Mr Diesel has said on his facebook page that David Twohy is to turn in a script for the next Chronicles movie next month.
Current working titles are "The Underverse" and "The Furyan". One would suggest a direct sequel to Chronicles and the other hints at a possible prequels to Pitch Black as an origins story. But i think that it might be a hybrid of both. A long introduction the the Riddick character might set up the follow on Underverse story and tie up the universe.
Either way, i look forward to this. I really liked Chronicles and thought it was really underrated by the masses. Bring on Riddick.